L-Carnitine was first discovered in Russia. It transports long-chain fatty acids across the mitochondria to be metabolized. L-carnitine aids in the release of stored body fat, tryglycerides, into the bloodstream for energy.

L-carnitine is available in the following food sources: red meat, diary products, avocado, and tempeh. It is also one of the promoting ingridient of Del Monte's Fit N' Right juice drink, and also present on Fitrum. I saw from the Fit N Right label that it contains 300mg of L-Carnitine per serving, so it is more cheaper than Fitrum where its only 50mg per capsule.

It doenst mean that you will loose fat quickly by just taking L-carnitine, it is important for you to exercise. Without L-Carnitine , fatty acids would have a difficult time permeating the walls of the mitochondria.

So far I have not yet read any side effects of L-Carnitine.